About Us

Whitcroft IT started as a local computer store in 2009
At Whitcroft IT we live and breathe technology. That's why when we recommend a product to you, it's because we truly believe it's going to be the right product for you, not what gives us the most commission. We want to grow a relationship with our customers so they have someone to turn to when they need help buying their next computer.

We're nerds at heart, not salesmen
We guarantee the highest quality of the products we sell. With over a decade in business and thousands of happy customers let us feel certain about that. You can be sure the product you are ordering is going to be industry leading brands.

Australia wide delivery
No matter where you live, your order will be shipped in time and delivered right to your door or to any other location you have stated. The packages are handled with utmost care, so the ordered products will be handed to you safe and sound, just like you expect them to be.